2017年考研分数线及考研国家线专题※ 关注微信 ※ 考研万题库
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Question 1: What types of films do you like?
Action 动作片Adventure历险片Animation 动漫Biography 人物传纪类电影
Comedy 喜剧片Crime 犯罪片Documentary 纪录片Drama 剧情片、女生片
Horror 恐怖片Fantasy 幻想片Thriller 惊悚片Game-show 由游戏改编成的电影
History 历史剧Sci-Fi 科幻编撰类Western 西部片Musical 音乐片
Mystery 神秘片War 战争片Reality-TV 真实情景片Romance 浪漫剧
以上电影类型都是按照内容进行的分类,此外还有一些按其他分类方式进行的分类,如:女生片chick flick;女生类电影girly movie;爱情片romantic love story;大片blockbuster;小电影/低预算电影small movies /low-budget films.
如果你不喜欢大片,而喜欢小电影,那你可以说I’m not totally crazy about blockbuster movies, actually I’m more into small movies. They have better plots and stories into it.Be more into…更喜欢….;plot不仅可以指“阴谋”,还能指“情节”。这句话的意思就是说“我不喜欢大电影,事实上我更喜欢小电影。因为它有更好的情节和故事。”如果你喜欢女生电影,即爱情片的话,你可以说I love girly films, and I can’t have enough of it. Whenever I have some time to kill, I would watch them. 我喜欢女生电影,并且总也看不够,只要我需要做点什么事情来消磨时间,我就会去看它。Kill time就是“消磨时间”的意思。或者你还可以说你喜欢大片,I go for/ like blockbuster movies because of many reasons. Like the mind-blowing /exciting special effects, dazzling celebrities and breathtaking views. special effects是“特效”的意思;mind-blowing感觉非常好;dazzling celebrities耀眼的明星;breathtaking views令人窒息的美景。这句话的意思就是“我喜欢大片有很多原因,因为它给人的感觉非常的好,有耀眼的明星和令人窒息的美景。”
Question 2: Do you prefer to watch films at home or in a cinema?
⑴ In the cinema:
• Wow factor and special effect 效果好,很神奇
• caramel popcorn 焦糖爆米花
• Tie-in store 周边产品/电影副产品
• Giant screen 很大的屏幕
Definitely in a cinema! The relaxing atmosphere and giant screen really attract me. Also, I enjoy going to the tie-in store to look at my favorite character after a movie.
⑵At home:
• Flexible : pause a movie anytime
• I have cool home cinema system
• Low price
• Comfortable : lay down in bed
Definitely at home! Cos I feel like lying down in bed while watching a film is a lot more relaxing. Plus I can pause the movie at anytime. I don’t need to follow their timetable. Cinema doesn’t do that.

Question 3: Do you work or are you a student?
综合性大学university 专业类学校或专科学校college 毕业生graduate 毕业典礼graduation ceremony 本科生undergraduate 研究生graduate/postgraduate 研究生院graduate school 学士学位Bachelor degree 硕士学位Master degree 博士PhD 大一/大二/大三/大四freshman/ sophomore/junior/ senior
I’m a university student/college student of xxx university…
I’m an undergraduate student at xxx university…
I’m a graduate student at xxx university…
如果你已经工作,那么就可以回答I am a worker.
Question 4:Why do you come to our university?
I picked/chose my school because it has a great Arts/science program. 我选择贵校,因为它有比较好的文科/理科专业
The thing that drew me to … was that it had a good reputation. 使我选择贵校的原因是它口碑不错
The … program is ranked number 1 and I'm going into a career that needs to have an elite degree.因为这个专业排名第一,我想要选择的职业需要这样的精英专业。ranked number 1排名第一,elite degree/精英专业
Question 5:What subject do you study in your university? Why?
⑴你在本科学习期间,学的是什么专业?这是一个典型的询问“专业”的问题,我主修…专业,可以说I major in …, I take… 或者是 I’m doing… 这些句型。但是“专业”这些术语,小伙伴们你们都造吗?
International business 国际贸易 Finance 金融 Computer science 计算机
Medical science 医学 Civil engineering 土木工程
…is a practical major and I have no problem finding jobs 因为这个专业很实用,也很容易找工作
I showed interests in …… 因为我喜欢这个专业
It is a "play it safe" major, play it safe意为“很安全,很稳定”,因为这是一个很安全、很稳定的工作
The demand for Business majors is high 因为商务专业的需求量很大
It is a promising major and I can see myself doing it 因为这是一个很有前途的工作,我可以看到自己的未来。

Question 6:How do you get along with your classmates? And what do you usually do together?
如果答案是好,可以采用肯定的回答:sure/ absolutely/ totally/ of course/ definitely
如果不太好,则可以采用较为婉转的回答:not really/ nope/ I don’t know…
⑴Sure! I like to blend in the crowd. And I’m actually pretty popular in school. Blend in the crowd融入人群,我喜欢融入到人群之中,事实上我在学校很流行。
⑵I like to hang out with them and play board game. hang out=stay/play together合群,board game桌游。我喜欢融入他们之中、合群,并且玩桌游游戏。
⑶I like to hang out with the guys at the gym. Lifting weights is a great way to build our muscles.我喜欢和朋友们一起去健身馆,举重能够很好的锻炼肌肉。
⑷We have such busy schedules at school, so we just grab a quick bite to eat at the restaurants while catching up with each other. catch up with somebody 和某人叙旧,grab a bite很快的吃饭。在学校我们都很忙,所以只是在餐馆中匆匆吃饭的时候和朋友叙叙旧。
Question 7:What do you usually do together?
和朋友在一起,其实我们可以做的事情很多,但是由于词汇量的限制,我们能表达出来的就只是一些shopping, go to the cinema, watch TV等。在这里,文都英语老师已经为您准备了不少资料哦。
• Poker card扑克牌 mafia杀人游戏,不要再说play killer了。
• Do Karaoke 卡拉OK, 就是我们常说的KTV
• Get a hair-cut 剪头发 get a manicure 美甲
• Sleepover at my classmate’s house 去同学家过夜
• Play tennis 打网球
• Eat out in a restaurant 在餐馆中吃饭
• Just play the arcade games after lunch in the mall arcade games 电玩,午后在购物中心玩电玩
• I facebook my friends and play games facebook就是我们常说的“脸书”,其实就是“关注”的意思。我关注我的朋友,并和他们玩游戏
• work out in a gym 去健身房健身
• window shopping at boutique/shops 去逛专卖店,boutique专卖店、精品店
• have a big meal in a restaurant/ buffet 在餐厅大吃一顿,buffet自助餐厅
• go to the karaoke with my classmates 和好盆友去K歌
• gardening with my mom 和妈妈一起浇花
小伙伴们,现在是不是觉得so easy了啦,其实重要的在于平时多练、多积累。相信你们一定会梦想成真,金榜题名!

话题: A good friend
Describe your best friend.
You should say:
how (and when) you first met this person
how often you see this person
what kind of character he or she has
and explain what you usually do together
在笔试的时候,开始答题前我们都要先认真的审题,找对答题的方向,这样才能有的放矢,知道题目想问的是什么,该答的是什么。其实,这也同样适用于英语口语部分。比如当我第一眼看到这个考题的时候,我就应该明白答案的重点应该是在最后一个问题,你需要重点解释的是你们在一起通常干什么。那么这个问题该怎么作答呢?我可以说:我最好的朋友是我的同学Linda, 我们是在上大学的时候认识的,她是一个很真诚、努力、认真的人。由于学业很忙,生活节奏很快,因此,只有周末的时候我们才有时间出去放松一下。所以,我可以说:我们平时都很忙,只有周末才会在一起吃饭、叙叙旧,一般上午去购物,下午去吃欢乐下午茶,晚上去看一场电影。然后寒暑期可以约着一起去野营。那我们能够用到哪些词汇呢?
• Catch up with somebody 和某人叙旧
• Camping in the weekend 去野营
• enjoy the happy hour in a restaurant 欢乐下午茶
• catch a movie 赶一场电影
My best friend is Linda, I met her in the class of university, she helped me a lot and then we become good friends.She is a diligent, honesty and beautiful girl.As we are busy in the weekdays, we can only see each other once a week.Only at weekends can we have time to catch up with each other. We often go to shopping mall in the morning and enjoy the happy hour in a restaurant in the afternoon, then we will go to the KTV or catch a movie at night. During the summer and winter vacations,we often camp out to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside.In a word, I enjoy the time staying with her.