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同学们,2020年的考研英语初试已经告一段落啦。今年考研英语一的大作文继2019年后依然考品质类话题,通过左右两幅图的对比来强调规划(set up a good schedule或do a reasonable scheduling)的重要性。
左图是位女孩正在非常努力地做着学校作业,书桌旁摆着整整齐齐的两摞书,心里想着是“尽早完成才放心”,右图是位男孩散漫地躺在沙发上,只留有一本摊开的书和一支笔在书桌上,心里却想着“不到最后不动手”,标题是“习惯”两字。仔细观察,我们可以看出这两幅所反映的内容正好相反,所以我们可以套用两幅图相反的描述段,即“As is vividly/ subtly/ symbolically presented in the first photo 人/物+动作+情景 and that is really eye-catching. On the contrary, what is differently delineated in the second photo is that 人/物+动作+情景. Apparently, by the contrast of these two pictures, the explicit implication emerges in front of us that +寓意 and it should be attached great importance to.”
这里的寓意合理自洽即可,小编认为两者的不同在于习惯,女孩有很好的规划能力并有效利用时间完成任务,而男孩则恰恰相反,空耗时间只待最后“速成”,结果自然不会理想,因而我们需要重视好习惯的力量(the power of good habits)。
那么所谓的good habits 到底是什么呢?也就是scheduling规划能力,它到底都有那些重要的作用,需要引起我们的重视呢?这就是第二段我们要写的内容啦,即寓意阐释段,由关键句和具体作用构成。关键句可用“Various functions, as a matter of fact, are behind this quality illustrated in this picture out as far as I know the following two matter enormously.”具体作用可以说:
l Understand what you can realistically achieve with your time.
l Make sure you have enough time for essential tasks.
l Add contingency time for "the unexpected."
l Avoid taking on more than you can handle.
l Work steadily toward your personal and career goals.
l Have enough time for family and friends, exercise and hobbies.
l Achieve a good work-life balance.
句。很多同学都对具体建议怎么说产生疑问,不过不用紧张,我们可以简单地说All in all, it is high time to strengthen people’s awareness in this aspect. 或者Of all the steps, on no account can we ignore the value of mass media. 还可以深入展开how to schedule time呢?Set a regular time to do your scheduling – at the start of every week or month, for example. 或者Choose a scheduling tool that suits your situation, the current structure of your job, your personal taste, and your budget.
通过2020年考题,我们可以再次确定,现在考研大作文的考察趋势以品质类为重,但仍然不可忽视社会问题和社会现象,我们2021年考生不该心存侥幸,需要在复习阶段将描图段的一幅图,两幅图的相反和相似;品质类、问题类、现象类的寓意阐释段,再加上我们在课上总结的高分表达技巧、写作考点词等,全部记牢,背得烂熟,才会在2021年考研的考场上胸有成竹,临场不乱,发挥出自己真实的水平,甚至是超常发挥。最后送给大家一句箴言结束Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。